PROMO della settimana
PSC005 - set 4 bidoni olio 200lt Pakelo /1:50 giftmodels
12,21 €PSC005 - set 4 bidoni olio 200lt Pakelo /1:50 giftmodels
ZT09283 Freighter B-double flat-top set Ross Transport /1:50 Drake
180,33 €ZT09283 Freighter B-double flat-top set Ross Transport /1:50 Drake
FG50-3504 Komatsu PC950LC-11 escavatore cingolato / 1:50 First Gear
171,31 €FG50-3504 Komatsu PC950LC-11 escavatore cingolato / 1:50 First Gear
WBR036 - Pettibone Traverse T944X Telehandler /1:50 WeissBrothers
140,98 € -3,00 € 137,98 €WBR036 - Pettibone Traverse T944X Telehandler /1:50 WeissBrothers
82631 - Renault T High 4x2 Foucher /1:50 TEKNO
113,93 €82631 - Renault T High 4x2 Foucher /1:50 TEKNO
FG50-3494 Komatsu D155CX-8 with K170 Pipelayer / 1:50 First Gear
113,93 €FG50-3494 Komatsu D155CX-8 with K170 Pipelayer / 1:50 First Gear
WSI01-4400 - Scania CS20H 8x4 ballast 6axle + 20ft. container Floßdorf /1:50 WSImodels
179,51 €WSI01-4400 - Scania CS20H 8x4 ballast 6axle + 20ft. container Floßdorf /1:50 WSImodels
[598.30.01] Scania R Normal 6x4 Nooteboom MANOOVR 5-axle with ramps /1:50 WSImodels
171,31 €[598.30.01] Scania R Normal 6x4 Nooteboom MANOOVR 5-axle with ramps /1:50 WSImodels
[598.30.03] MB Actros MP5 SLT Giga Space 8x4 Nooteboom MANOOVR 7+3axle Multidolly /1:50...
212,30 €[598.30.03] MB Actros MP5 SLT Giga Space 8x4 Nooteboom MANOOVR 7+3axle Multidolly /1:50 WSImodels
GM33 - ceste in ferro porta-catene impilabili /1:50 giftmodels
31,97 €GM33 - ceste in ferro porta-catene impilabili /1:50 giftmodels
GM50/1 - Set benne da roccia rinforzate classe 40/50tons - TREVI benne /1:50 giftmodels
31,97 €GM50/1 - Set benne da roccia rinforzate classe 40/50tons - TREVI benne /1:50 giftmodels
GM18-050 - HRD High Reach Demolition upgrade kit Hitachi ZX350-6 / 1:50 giftmodels
113,93 € -20,00 € 93,93 €HRD High Reach Demolition upgrade kit Hitachi ZX350-6